Join our mission zero!

Reinoud Siezen - Vice President Business development and programs

A couple of months ago, I provided you with an update on the exciting sustainable developments at Aeronamic. I told you that there was a lot going on, especially when it came to vertical take-off and landing, and I promised to write more about it soon. Well, here we are! Aeronamic is no stranger to sustainable aviation and, over the past decade, we have been developing components that contribute to more sustainable aviation. But this year, things are gaining momentum and it is now time to take this a step further. It is time for Aeronamic’s Mission Zero program! What program, you might ask? Let me tell you all about it.

As we all know, 2021 was another extraordinary year. A multifaceted year for Aeronamic and one in which our commercial activities took a huge hit. Fortunately for us, our military activities went on and we have been busy setting up our depot for servicing the F-35, as well as developing high-speed components. Alongside that, product development is running at full capacity. More and more people and organizations, including  established aircraft manufacturers and new players, see the need to speed up achieving emission reductions in aviation. Following the Paris Climate Agreement (2015), we have to move towards a world in which aviation emits fewer harmful substances. Flying less is not an option in the modern world, so we need to focus on creating a ‘more electric architecture’ for aircraft. Aeronamic has been working on these solutions for about ten years and we are now almost at the finish line. It is time to launch our Mission Zero program!

What is ‘Mission Zero’?

To us, working towards zero emissions in the world of aviation is more than just an ambition. We made our own program! This program has two aims:  the first is to develop products that limit emissions; the second is  to use our high tech heritage, knowledge and experience to help you reach your sustainability goals. We understand your challenges and are happy to work with you. When talking about sustainable solutions, I particularly mean our e-compressor. This compressor has many different applications, both in the field of thermal management and in the field of pressurization. In addition, our high-speed rotating parts can be incorporated into a sustainable architecture. All our solutions can be used to improve existing aircraft and make them more sustainable. And they also fit into the new ‘electric taxis’ that are currently being developed a lot.

Looking ahead to 2022

It is of course exciting to invent and develop these products. But what really matters to me is that our solutions actually get put into practice for flying. Right now, we are very close to achieving that! We have made a lot of progress in the development of the e-compressor for both cooling and pressurization, and we expect to take further strides forward in 2022. I hope by this time next year, the first zero-e test flights incorporating  Aeronamic’s e-compressor and components will have been made. I’m truly excited about that. If we succeed in flying our newly developed products, we will certainly be opening a bottle of champagne! An achievement like that would represent a huge step forward in the maturity of the designs – and that would be quite a moment!

Are you curious about the steps we will take on our journey towards zero emissions? In the coming year, we will give you several updates on our Mission Zero program. Are you ready to join our Mission Zero? Let’s push limits together in 2022!

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