Our story starts in 1988. To begin with, we were a product group within Ultra-Centrifuge Nederland. Before we branded ourselves as Aeronamic, we were known as UCN Aerospace and Urenco Aerospace.

But we also have history before 1988. Our former mother company URENCO invented the world’s first ultra-centrifuge for uranium enrichment. This advanced knowledge was pivotal to achieving a top position in the world of high-speed rotating components and precision parts.

Since 1988, we’ve continued to evolve. This applies to both our products and our services; to managing the supply chain, adopting vertical integration, boosting productivity, and investing in innovation. In fact, this applies to everything we’ve ever done and to everything we still do. We have taken a leading position. Our chief aim is to be of service to system integrators, and we believe they can achieve more by doing less.



  • Started in 1988
  • 225 employees
  • Three locations in two countries: Almelo (NL),
    Woensdrecht (NL) and Sibiu (RO)
  • Global customer base
  • Presence on all major commercial and defense platforms
  • Single source supplier
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