Fred Hospers - Improvement Manager

Right now, the buzzword is ‘productivity’. In order to be and stay competitive, we need to increase productivity all the time. That’s why we’re big fans of improvement. You could even say that ‘improvement’ is our middle name, and my task is to coordinate, streamline and manage all the improvement initiatives and projects within Aeronamic.

Of course, Lean Six Sigma is the foundation of our management approach within our company. Based on Goldratt – the Theory of Constraints – we have implemented CONWIP and LOWWIP, work in cells, apply 5S, and use a lot of visuals to manage the flow. The flow must go on! And to be in control of the flow, we keep improving our control charts, FMEAs and other Six Sigma techniques. Together with our 10 certified Black Belts, we keep pushing limits. 

Real YouTubers 

Furthermore, Aeronamic has a strong focus on two more topics in which we have achieved big improvements: digitalization and manufacturing technology. By connecting our ERP and PLM software, we can have live data, which helps us to establish a completely paperless factory. Multi Moment Analysis (MMA) by video not only helps us to analyze and improve our assembly procedures – it also makes sure that correct, clear and accurate instructions per part, per assembly step are on screen at all times. We are becoming real YouTubers!

In-house skills

Another benefit of combining all accessible data is that we can develop our own business intelligence. No need to hire external experts: we have the knowledge and skills in-house! All our KPIs on-screen in our Production are actual and up to date. In addition, management information is available on the spot.

At world class level

The key to keeping production processes world class is by continuously improving our manufacturing technology. Not only with hardware like combined milling-turning machines, zero-point clamping systems, and robotization, but also with software. A complete digital twin is now in place, which allows us to simulate and optimize the machining process prior to cutting chips. 

Great energy

Continuous improvement really suits our organization. We can always find new ways to push limits. This creates a positive vibe among us and we are eager to keep learning. And we can only do that by joining hands and allowing our colleagues to track and manage their own progress. That way, it not only benefits the business, it also serves a purpose for our company’s culture.

If you are also open to change and see the benefits of adapting, please tell us. We would love to make improvements together!