Marion Eberhard - HR manager

At Aeronamic, innovation is paramount. We invest today in the productivity of tomorrow. And we’re always on the move, so we need employees who can keep up. Or better yet: who can lead the way. It can be challenging to find the right people for the job, whether it’s in the Netherlands or Romania. But once someone joins the company, it’s a long-term relationship. We’re in this together.

Aeronamic is an aviation industry leader. To maintain that position, we work to develop innovative, high-quality technologies. Our teams of scientists and technicians are continually researching new products, alternative materials, and better business processes. It’s my job to ensure we can achieve our ambitious goals, by finding and hiring the right people.Our high-level recruiting secret? We’re not looking for candidates who simply want a job. We recruit people who are looking for a new professional home! 

Corporate culture

A perfect match between Aeronamic and a potential employee goes beyond having the right credentials. Our corporate culture is crucial. We want employees to feel at home with who we are as a company, how we profile ourselves in the market, and how we work. We have a flat organization and that’s one of our greatest strengths. I know everyone who works with us in Almelo. There’s also close collaboration between our staff in Almelo, the Netherlands and Sibiu, Romania. And we’re setting up a new location in Woensdrecht, for servicing the F-35. That means I’ll be recruiting dozens of technical employees in the years to come.

Diversity is key

I work to achieve a good mix of ages and cultures at Aeronamic. What helps? The great interaction here between young talent and senior professionals. And between people with different backgrounds. In fact, I believe the balance between new employees and people with years of experience is key to our continued success. Plus: Aeronamic’s innovative nature means our people all enjoy a high degree of responsibility. We always push limits and expect our employees to do the same. Speaking of expectations… managing expectations plays a major role in the recruiting process. What’s the candidate looking for in this job? And how does that compare to what the job’s actually like? It’s important we’re on the same page.

Fully convinced

We’ve made many successful matches over the years. How? By taking the time for real conversations. Depending on the position, we make sure candidates get to speak with HR, the department manager, the CEO, the VP Operations, and some direct colleagues. Each of us has an equal say. And each of us stands by the hiring decision. If anyone voices doubts, we don’t go through with it. Simple as that. That means when people join Aeronamic, they know we’re fully convinced they belong here. Of course a good match goes both ways. If it turns out a candidate doesn’t share the company’s mindset or truly aspire to work here, we encourage them to speak up. After all, it’s a waste of everyone’s time if there’s not a good fit. And it’s not only about bringing in good people. It’s about keeping them. So we can grow the Aeronamic family together.

Ready to push limits?

We often have openings for ambitious, highly qualified people – experienced professionals and recent graduates alike. Are you ready to push limits? Contact me and discover your future at Aeronamic!